2016 Scholarship Recipients
McKenzie Yates:
“It can be difficult at times to balance school and work, … After finishing my BSN, I hope to work in the ED as a nurse for a few years to gain experience, then go back to school for work on getting my family nurse practitioner’s (FNP) license. … I have a passion for helping people through difficult times, whether that be treating their illness, or be the support system to help them get through that illness.”
Micayla Quinone: (2-time consecutive recipient)
“I now work at Dupont Hospital in Fort Wayne as a telemetry monitor tech…There is so much I learn as a student nurse that I can apply to my job and the same with my job helping me become a better student nurse. … There is a lot of pressure out there and it is nice to know when you get a scholarship, that someone is out there that’s backing you up, believing that you are putting your all into something you are passionate about. I work very hard to be where I am…"