Membership Categories and Fees
Our membership dues donations and your volunteer spirit help to make great things happen here locally for healthcare, medical education, legislation, and the support of physicians and their families. While it is your choice as a physician spouse to contribute to the State (ISMA-A) and
National (AMA-A) Alliances, we encourage donating to all, as each organization is interrelated and share a strong dedication to the family of medicine.
Please notice our membership category, 'Friends of the Alliance'. This membership opportunity exists as a way for others in our community to partner with us in our philanthropic endeavors, as well as, join us for our social events. We are pleased to offer this membership level in direct response to requests from our supporters!
We hope you will join us with your talents and entrust us with your dollars, to make a difference in our community! All Local and State dues donations are 100% tax deductible. The Alliance does not share your information with other organizations.
FWMSA Dues ......................................... $50.00
***Resident Spouses............................. FREE
***Student Spouses................................ FREE
***Friends of the Alliance........................ $30.00
ISMA Alliance Dues................................... FREE
AMA Alliance Dues.................................... $65.00
AMA/AMA Alliance Combined Spouse Dues $100.00
Membership (Retired)
FWMSA Dues ..................................... $25.00
ISMA Alliance Dues.............................. FREE
AMA Alliance Dues............................... $65.00
To fill out a membership form and pay dues online, click here!
If you prefer to pay dues through postal mail, download and fill out the statement below and send to the treasurer.