Bylaws Change
FWMS-Alliance Member,
Please find listed below the proposed Bylaws changes, dated April 10, 2024 that requires approval and a vote from the general membership. The proposed amendments are highlighted in red. Please record your vote on the form below.
This change was deemed necessary by the Budget Committee:
In order to attract and encourage membership, the Budget Committee members felt that resident spouses should no longer be expected to pay a membership fee.
Bylaws Changes:
Article III Membership
Membership in this Alliance shall be composed of regular, provisional members, and Friends of the Alliance.
1. A regular member shall be the spouse, widow, widower, divorced spouse (who was an Alliance member at the time of the divorce and provided that member has not remarried outside the profession) of a physician who qualifies/is a member of the FWMS or a physician. A regular member shall enjoy all the privileges of membership, including holding an elective office and voting.
2. An associate member shall be the spouse of a resident in training in Northeast IN. An associate member shall have all privileges of membership. (see proposed amendment in red below)
2. A provisional member shall be the spouse of a resident in training or medical student in training in Northeast IN. A provisional member shall have all privileges of membership, except the right to vote and to hold elected office.
3. A Friend of the Alliance shall be any community member in Northeast IN. A friend of the Alliance shall have the privilege of attending our social and community service events. They are not privileged to vote, hold office or Board positions.
From Article IV Fiscal Year and Membership Dues
SECTION D. Membership Dues
1. Annual dues shall be paid by regular members, to include and encourage local, state, and national dues. The shall be $50 for regular members and $30 for retired regular members.
2. Associate members (resident spouses) shall pay $10 annually for local dues. (see proposed amendment in red below)
2. Provisional members shall not pay dues.
3. Friends of the Alliance shall pay $30 annually for local dues.
If you would like to read the Bylaws in their entirety, please click the PDF icon.